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A Danish Birthday & A Trip to the Cliffs


Really nothing exciting today! I took a slow morning, went in for my afternoon class, sat and did some work after class and headed home for dinner.


My host family knocked on my door at 6:45 AM to get my birthday started! Since I have my early classes today they were all so kind to get up earlier than usual to celebrate. We celebrated my birthday with some Danish birthday traditions!! First, they sang the Danish happy birthday song (which is much longer than the English version haha), and then we all sat down and had breakfast together with the table all decorated.

They use Danish flags for a lot of celebrations including birthdays so they put a Danish flag on the table at the spot the birthday person is sitting at! During breakfast I opened some lovely gifts from my host family- so, so, so kind of them. After opening gifts and eating breakfast I headed in to the city for my classes. We had our last official Danish class as all we have left is an oral exam and a paper! And our professor brought us treats as well!! Then I had my very last criminology class! After class I turned in my last paper for that class so I’m officially done with that class! Wow the semester is really almost over! After class I did some work, called my parents, and practiced for my oral exam. I headed home around 3 and met up with my host dad and host brother to head out for a family dinner for my birthday. We picked up my host sister & then met up with my host mom at Tivoli! Tivoli is a super famous amuseument park right in Copenhagen- it is the second oldest in the world & was part of the inspiration for Disney World! My family has season passes to get into the park so we went in and walked around! It was so beautiful- great weather, the park was not crowded at all, plus the park is super clean. All the flowers and trees were blooming too!

After taking a look around we had dinner at a sushi restaurant in a Tivoli and then got some amusement park churros for dessert. After chowing down, we parted ways and I went to meet my friends at a friend’s apartment in the city! A bunch of my friends all celebrated with me, candles and mini danish flags, a drink, and all. It was really fun! If I had to celebrate my 21st without my family and out of the country, this would be the way to do it!


The last Wednesday off!

Today my friends and I went on an adventure! We rented a car with and drive about 2 hours south to the Møns Klint (cliffs)! On the drive we passed the most beautiful huge fields full of yellow flowers, along with a bunch of other beautiful scenery. We had so much fun road tripping & listening to music, stopping to pick some tulips and see some flowers. Once we made it to the cliffs we had about a 20 minute walk down SO MANY stairs and then we were rewarded!! It was absolutely beautiful! The cliffs are a chalky white (pieces of the cliff broken off literally work like chalk and can write on rocks with them!) and enormous. We had the best time just walking around, enjoyed the views & had fun hanging out skipping rocks, writing on rocks, and takin pics. After the BEST day, we hopped back in the car and headed home. Stopped at some more flowers, stopped in a cute town for dinner, and made it back late. We had such a wonderful day (: The days being abroad with my new friends are winding down so I am grateful for days like these!


Today, I went into the city for my afternoon class and then practiced for my danish oral exam tomorrow! After me and partner finished rehearsing and getting our conversation down pat, we headed to a final field study for my Danish class. We were lucky to get a private tour of Amalienborg palace. Amalienborg is a palace where the queen of Denmark and other royals (the two princes, presently) reside for portions of the year! The palace is not open to the public but we were lucky to get another DIS professor who has a connection with the Royals to give us a tour of a portion of the palace that nobody lives in. We got to see the area where a lot of formal events and dinners happen and where some foreign officials would stay! It was so awesome to get that opportunity!


Today started off bright and early with my Danish oral exam! I think the exam went really well and now I have one more Danish paper to do before I’m done with that class. The rest of the day really wasn't too exciting as I have a big paper due Monday and my Danish paper to work on.


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