After a week off from normal classes, today was finally back to a normal schedule. I woke up and had a lazy morning just getting some laundry and work done. I went into the city for my two afternoon classes and went home after. I'm trying to get as much work done as possible since I'm leaving Wednesday with my host family to go to Sweden and will be missing classes on Thursday and Friday.
Nothing too out of the ordinary today as I’m getting back into the swing of classes. One highlight of today was that when I walked to the bus at 7:30 AM there was SUNLIGHT! Ok the sun wasn’t actually up but it is was in the process of rising which is so much better than the pitch black I had to walk to the bus in during the first couple weeks here. I really feel like I’ve been learning a lot in the two classes I have today- Danish and Criminology & Criminal Justice in Scandinavia which is super excited. I didn’t know much about either before coming so it’s been great learning new information and specifically information about the country I’m living in. In Criminology we started discussing comparisons between the U.S. and Danish prison systems which are VASTLY different. After classes I ate lunch and worked on a paper I have due Friday. For dinner tonight we had fiske frikadeller which are danish fish cakes or fish meatballs with a carrot slaw, remoulade sauce, and potatoes on the side. They kind of reminded me of crab cakes though I think I prefer the crab version!