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Packing & Celebrating Festelavn!


Guess what today is! Laundry day!!! I leave for Dublin with my class on Monday so I started getting laundry done and getting packed! I pretty much spent the whole morning working on that until Amelie came home in the afternoon. Tonight we had a fun dinner with a special seasonal dish! We started with an appetizer of a Danish dish that you can only get around this time of year- it is fish eggs (lumpfish roe) with sour cream and chives on potato patties. Apparently this roe is only available at this time of year so you don't get to eat it too often! For dinner we had tomato pie and salad and bread. After dinner we watched a classic movie that should’ve won every single award ever.... Ice Age, such a fantastic movie. Apparently it was almost as popular in Denmark as it was in the US.


Happy Festelavn!! Today is the danish holiday that all those pastries (festelavnsbøller) I’ve been eating are for. It's can be described as halloween in March- celebrated with candy and costumes. Since all the children are older, my host family doesn’t celebrate it too much but we had a nice big breakfast with sausage and eggs and bread and fruit and a smoothie. And we did a somewhat tradition with candy tied to branches that my host parents made.

After breakfast I did some morepacking before going into the city to meet up with a W&M friend who did DIS last year and is back visiting Copenhagen over her spring break. We had a wonderful time catching up and comparing our experiences here! It was definitely nice to talk to someone from home who experienced some of the same things I am experiencing! After meeting up I came home for dinner which was pork chops and potatoes and cabbage. Now its back to packing and getting ready to leave for Dublin tomorrow!


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